
借口英文初中 借口英文怎么说?



excuse英 [?k?skju:s] 美 [?k?skjuz] vt.原谅为…免除申辩,免除…免去n.借口,借口道歉,歉意请假条vi.请示宽恕作为借口,表示宽恕的难度:高考 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / TOEFL第三人称单数: excuses 复数: excuses 现在分词: excusing 过去式: excused 过去分词: excused


1.(以某事为理由) use as an excuse on the pretext of on the excuse of: 那个淘气的男孩借口头痛, 离开教室。 The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache. 一个人不应该以缺乏经验为借口为自己的错误辩解。 One should not plead inexperience in excuse of his mistake. 2.((理由) excuse pretext cop-out: 找借口 find an excuse find a pretext 提出各种借口 produce various excuses 动辄找借口 be ready at excuses 试图找借口为他辩护 try to find a pretext for himself 制造借口 make an excuse invent an excuse cook up a pretext 这一切都是他们坚持侵略扩张政策的借口。 All this has been done as excuses for their continued pursuance of a policy of aggression and expansion.