
英语·句型be up to必须、一定要是It’s up to……的样式吗?

up to必须、一定要是It’s up to……的样式吗?

1、be up to 表示“从事于,忙于”,后面接名词、代词或-ing形式等。如:All of us are up to good deeds.我们所有人都在做有益的事情。Go and see what these naughty boys are up to.去看看这些顽皮的孩子在做什么。如:It is up to me to get the four of us moving.该由我来召集我们四个人动起来。3、be up to sb. 表示“由某人决定,随某人”。如:Whether we will go to the park is up to your brother.我们是否去公园由你哥哥定。An Indian or a Chinese meal Its up to you.吃印度菜还是中国菜?由你决定吧。4、be up to 表示“胜任,适合,适于”,多用于否定句或疑问句。如:Li Ping is not up to his work.李平不能胜任他的工作。Do you think she is up to doing it alone你认为她能独立完成这件事吗?
5、be up to“表示:及得上,比得上”。如:The new book of Smiths is not up to his last.史密斯先生的这本新书不及他写的前一本好。扩展资料1、Its up to him to resolve this problem. 这个问题应由他来解决。
2、Now that the tool is available to you what you do with it is up to you. 现在这个工具对你有用,那么怎么使用它完全取决于你。
3、When I write a book I write a book for myself; the reaction is up to the reader. 我在写一本书的时候,我是在为我自己写这本书,而反应却是取决于读者。
4、I think everyone in the film has reasons for doing what they do, which I respect. So the judgments, in a sense, are up to you. 我认为片子中的每个人都有那么做的理由,我尊重他们,所以关于判断的问题,在一定程度上,取决于你们的态度。