
英语口语交际对话 简单英语日常交流口语?



1、Good morning?早上好?

Good morning!早上好!

2、Excuse me,what is your name?打扰一下,你叫什么名字?

My name is Li Hua.我的名字叫李华。

3、how are you?你好吗?

I#39m fine,thank you.我非常好,谢谢你。

4、You are beautiful!你真漂亮!

Thanks for the compliment.谢谢夸奖。

5、Are you thirsty?你渴吗?

Yes,I am.是的,我渴。

6、Whose pencil is this?他是谁的签字笔?

My pencil.我的铅笔。

7、It#39s a nice day today,Let#39s go out for an outing.今日天气很好,大家去郊游吧。

All right,let me get my things together.好的,让我将东西整理一下。

8、Happy birthday to you.祝您生日开心。

Thank you for your blessing.谢谢你的祝愿。

9、Have you eaten yet?你吃饭了吗?

I have eaten.我吃过了。

10、Would you like some milk?你需要喝纯牛奶吗?

Yes,I drink milk.是的,我想喝纯牛奶。


A: hey, john! how you doing?

B: not too bad, and you?

A: good. so...how is your school going?

B: pretty good actually, i had make many new friend already!

A: wow, that#39s good. good for you!