
记录一下英文 记录下,用英语怎么说?



1、note down读音:英 [nəut daun] 美 [not daʊn] 记下例句:Please note down what I'm about to say.

2、record读音:英 [ˈrekɔ:d] 美 [ˈrekərd] n.唱片记录,记载档案,履历最高纪录vt.amp vi.记录,记载标明录音adj.创纪录的第三人称单数: records 复数: records 现在分词: recording 过去式: recorded 过去分词: recorded例句:Keep a record of all the payments

3、record it记录它例句:You can record it on the Review Record and refer back to it as necessary.

4、write it down写下来写下记下来例句:He told me his address but I forgot to write it down.

5、make a note of读音:英 [meik ə nəut ɔv] 美 [mek e not ʌv] 把…记下来例句:Make a note of credit card numbers and check expiry dates.


beautiful moment eg:那每一张照片上都记录着一个美好的时刻,那是母校送给我最好的礼物。 That each have a photo record of a beautiful moment, it is his alma mater, the best gift for me.


记录 [jì lù] [词典] record take notes keep the minutes keep an account of [网络] log Entry records [例句]他的发言我都记录下来了。I've taken notes on what he said.