
法国卢浮宫简介 卢浮宫具体介绍有哪些?



卢浮宫历史博物馆是世界三大博物馆之一,其造型艺术收藏品类型之丰富多彩、艺术价值之高让人无法想象。在其中最重要的镇馆三宝是世人皆知的:《米洛的维纳斯》、《蒙娜丽莎》和《萨莫特拉斯的胜利女神》。别的著名作品也有:《狄安娜出浴图》、《丑角演员》、《拿破仑一世加冕礼》、《自由之神引导人民》、《编花带的姑娘》等. 这座举世闻名的造型艺术城堡始建于12世纪初,当时是作为防御力目地,之后通过一系列的改建和整修,慢慢变成一座金碧辉煌的王宫。从16世纪起,弗朗索瓦一世逐渐大规模的个人收藏各种各样工艺品,之后各代法国国王继承了这一传统式,丰富了卢浮宫的个人收藏。现如今,历史博物馆个人收藏的工艺品已达40千件,主要包括雕塑作品、美术绘画、工艺美术加工工艺及古时候中国东方、古埃及和古希腊罗马等7个类型。 1981年,法国政府这座精致的建筑进行了大规模的修整,此后卢浮宫变成技术专业历史博物馆。卢浮宫大门入口是一座玻璃金字塔,它的设计师是知名的美籍华裔建筑师贝聿铭。金字塔式完工时造成巴黎人的强烈不满,但它们迅速接受了它,如今它已经成为法国巴黎全新的热门旅游景点之一。


卢浮宫是荷兰较大的王宫建筑之一, 坐落于北京首都法国巴黎塞纳河畔、巴黎歌剧院城市广场南端。

The Louvre is one of the largest royal palace buildings in France, located on the south side of the Opera Square in Paris, on the banks of the Seine.


As early as 1546, François I decided to build a new royal palace on the basis of the original castle.


After that, the nine monarchs continued to expand, which lasted more than 300 years, forming a magnificent U-shaped palace complex.


The east facade of the Louvre is a representative work of European classicism.


According to statistics, the Louvre Museum covers an area of 19 hectares including the courtyard. It lie on the right bank of the Seine from east to west. The lengths on both sides are 690 meters.


The hundreds of spacious halls used to showcase the treasures are magnificent, with fine murals and fine reliefs on the walls and top of the hall.


The main façade of the Louvre is about 172m long and 28m high.


It is divided into three parts according to a complete column: the bottom is the pedestal, the middle section is the two-story pillar, and the upper part is the crotch and the parapet wall. .


The main body is an empty colonnade formed by double columns. There are protruding parts at the center and at both ends, and the inside is divided into five sections.


The convex portions at both ends are decorated with wall columns, while the central portion has a chair column with mountain flowers, so the main axis is clear.


There was a guard in front of the guard, and a bridge was placed in front of the gate.


The laterally unfolded façade is divided into 5 sections on the left and right, and 3 sections on the upper and lower sides.


The traditional French high-sloping roof was replaced by an Italian-style flat roof, and the east facade of the Louvre opened a small doorway on the high pedestal for people to enter and exit.


There are also a large number of antiques from Greece, Rome, Egypt and the East, and ancient relics from France and Italy, with an exhibition area of 55,000 square meters.


The transparent pyramid building at the entrance to the main entrance of the Louvre is a masterpiece of Chinese-American architect Pei Ming.