
对联的来历英文简短 对联英语怎么说啊?



春联:Spring Festival couplets或New Year scrolls。 贴春联:post new year's scrolls春联,又叫“春贴”、“门正”、“春联”,它以对仗工整、简约精致的内容勾勒幸福品牌形象,表达美好心愿,是中国特有的文学形式。每到新春佳节,无论城市或是乡村,每家每户都需要挑好看的红春联贴到门边,送旧迎新,提升喜气的节日氛围。春联的另一來源是春贴,古人在春分日多贴“宜春市”二字,后逐渐发展趋势为春联,表述了中国劳动者一种驱邪除灾、迎祥纳福的美好心愿。这一风俗习惯源于宋代,在明朝開始风靡。


Decorations are an important feature of the celebrations for the Chinese New Year. One of the main forms of decoration are the 'Red Couplets', which are Chinese good luck sayings written on red paper, often with gold trimmings and usually made up of four Chinese characters which ask for luck in terms of long life, wealth etc.

Red is not only a lucky colour for the Chinese, but also frightens off the monster 'Nian' who arrives at this time of year and destroys crops and homes.

Some New Year couplets are intended to be pasted or pinned in special places such as the kitchen or doors, while some can be placed anywhere. The couplets are usually taken down after the New Year celebrations, though some people keep them up all year long in the hope of keeping good luck.